The Rewired Collective

A monthly, cancel at any time, membership to change your mindset, connect with like-minded individuals, and give you an action plan and accountability to launch you to your most aligned goals

Are you tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or simply yearning for more in life?
We've all been there, and the journey to a life filled with purpose, confidence, and clarity is one worth embarking on.
There is a way to quickly shatter your mindset patterns to accelerate your personal growth and live the life you've been dreaming about.



This membership is a vibrant community of dreamers, doers, and goal-getters just like you.

It's a space where you can nurture your potential, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and embrace the power of your untapped mind.

Say goodbye to the rut and hello to a life that genuinely excites you!

Why join the Rewired Collective Membership? 

  • 🚀 Accelerated Growth: Gain the tools, knowledge, and support to fast-track your personal transformation journey
  • 🤝 Community Connection: Be part of an empowering community that uplifts and inspires each other.
  • 💪 Accountability: Stay on track and achieve your goals with challenges and co-working hours.
  • 💬 Personalized Support: Ask questions and share your own personal journey and get feedback and support.

It's finally time to move forward and live the life you've been craving. 💫

To Be Happy with Inner Peace Life Coaching


You wake up every morning with a deep sense of purpose and excitement.

  • Your goals and dreams are within reach and you have a plan to get there

✨ Self-doubt is a distant memory, and your confidence soars.

🤝 You're part of a supportive community that understands and empowers you.

🧠 Your mindset is rewired for success, abundance, and unshakable resilience.

💪 Accountability keeps you on track and ensures you reach your milestones.

📚 Exclusive mindset modules, resources, and community boards are at your fingertips.

🗣️ Your burning questions receive personalized answers

The dreams you once thought were out of reach are now your reality.

This is the life that awaits you with the Rewired Collective Membership.

Ready to be happy with inner peace?
What Nicole's Students Are Saying:
Be like Rayana, Molly, & Lea and start watching your dream life unfold feeling the most peace and happiness you've ever had!

"I wouldn't hesitate to work with Nicole because she's my secret weapon and favorite coach."

I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now without Nicole's compassion.

Not only do I feel very supported, but the clarity I get from each session has helped me move forward in alignment with what I want to do with my life. I'm so grateful for the happiness I now feel.

Rayana - High Transformation Coach

"I've had more transformation in these past 3 months working with Nicole than I have had in my life"

I've worked with a ton of therapists, and none of them compare to the full transformation that Nicole provides.

Nicole walks the walk and embodies the work she teaches.

I've healed tons of my own programming and feel the best I've ever felt.

Molly - Trauma Informed Doula

"Highly knowledgeable and healing for my soul."

She gave me incredible input on who I am and how to move forward in my life. She connected with my higher self and gave me information that blew my mind.

She has made my life infinitely better and I'll recommend her to anyone who is in need of support, growth, understanding, and guidance. She has many powers in her hands.

Lea - Feminine Empowerment Coach
Discover the methods and techniques to completely blast your mindset patterns that have held you back for too long and launch to your most aligned goals.

All About Space Cadet Nicole

Formerly stuck in a corporate job in Chicago, I found myself miserable in my body, my job and my life. 

I knew there had to be more to life than beating myself up in my head 95% of the time.

I embarked on a journey.

I packed my bags, booked a one-way flight, and jet-setted across the world to Indonesia.

There I received my:

  • 200 Hour Yoga Certification
  • Pranic Healing Certification
  • Life Coaching Certification

I studied mindfulness and brain hacking techniques under different spiritual mentors and Balinese Hindu Priests for 3 years.

These teachings helped me transform my mind and unlocked freedom, peace, alignment and ultimate fulfillment.

Today, it is my greatest mission to share these tools and insights with you so you can bask in your fullest potential too.

Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities.

  • Your transformation starts now. 🚀

What's Included? 



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Your success is my mission and priority.


How do I get access to the membership?

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After you sign up, you will receive an email to access the membership platform which houses the videos and the community boards.

What's the time commitment? 

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You'll get access to new modules every month and they take around 1-2 hours to complete and watch. I also give journal assignments and tasks to complete. I would also allow yourself 1-2 hours to work on the homework and assignments.

More Questions?

Feel free to reach out to me at or DM me on Instagram at @radicallyrewired.