Find Peace

Through yoga and solo travel, I have learned some profound lessons about myself and the world around me. I hope to share my insights because they may resonate with you too.

Inspirational Blogs

Get all of the resources you need to mindfully travel and connect deeper to yourself. I have tons of travel tips, yoga sequences, and inspiration to help you live out your dreams.

What to Do If You Hate Your Job & Want to Quit (With Actual Action Steps to a New Job)

Have you ever thought to yourself "I hate my job" time and time again? It is probably time to shift into a new career to feel more fulfilled. Here are my top tips to shift directions and love your job and life more.

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5 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

A guiding force in your personal development journey is changing your brain to a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. Here are 5 ways you can start.

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I Quit My Corporate Job & Now Make More Money Traveling the World Full Time

Here's my whole journey of how I quit my 9-5 job in Chicago and ended up traveling the world making more money than I was in corporate.

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How to Shake Your Inner Critic & Give Yourself Grace

What does it actually mean to give yourself grace? Here are some tangible tips to show kindness to yourself and silence your inner critic to tap into more positive self talk.

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Let Them: The Meaning Behind Mel Robbins' Viral Theory on Relationships and the Power of Choice

We'll explore Mel Robbins' empowering concept of the 'Let Them' theory. Discover how releasing the need to control others' actions can lead to greater personal freedom and growth. Dive into practical tips and real-life examples to embrace autonomy, cultivate resilience, and navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace.

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Surround Yourself with Positive People for a Happier Life - Success Secrets

The people you surround yourself with matters more than we consciously know. Uplifting individuals can supercharge your mindset, elevate your energy, and propel you towards your dreams. Let's learn the science behind surrounding yourself with positive people in this article.

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Shadow Work 101 With Shadow Work Prompts for Healing and Growth

Learn the basics of shadow work prompts and dive into journal prompts for self-awareness and healing. Some great shadow work prompts for inner-child healing and self-discovery.

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Trust Your Inner Guidance: The Best Decision Making Advice I Received

Tired of not knowing which direction to go in your life? This golden advice has helped me time and time again on how to make decisions.

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What’s Intuition? How to Tap into Your Inner Knowing

How do you differentiate between your inner knowing and your old patterns and conditioning? In this article, we'll talk all about intuition and do a yes/no meditation to help you tune into your body.

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Essential Life Lessons for a Meaningful Life: 4 Important Life Lessons to Learn Early

Since traveling the world for 4+ years, I've learned important lessons by diving into different cultures that have led me to a happier, more joyous life.

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How to Navigate the World During Turbulent Times

When it feels like the world is crumbling down and it all feels overwhelming, here are some tips to navigate the darkness and transmute it into light.

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How I Left My 9 to 5 in Corporate America to Travel the World - Finding Freedom

Want more freedom in your life? Here's the story of what pushed me over the edge to start living a life that felt more authentic to me.

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How Do I Know if I'm Going Through a Dark Night of the Soul?

Feeling ready to leave a chapter of your life behind and jump fresh into a new one? Here's my story of how I left my corporate job and started a brand new life living as a digital nomad.

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How to Be a Happier Person in 5 Simple Steps

Learn five powerful techniques to shift your perspective in order to become a happier person. These resources will help accelerate your healing journey.

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5 Powerful Brain Hacks to Help You Reach Your Goals from a Mindfulness Coach

Time to learn all the valuable brain hacks to optimize your mindset and achieve your most meaningful goals. Explore techniques such as finding your values, carving out time for enjoyment, prioritizing tasks with the Tranquil Triumph Technique, visualizing your day, and aligning actions with goals. By implementing these brain hacks, unlock your potential, maintain motivation, and experience true fulfillment on your path!

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Why the World is So Obsessed with Relationships and How to Find Yourself Instead

Are you tired of the mainstream messaging that perpetuates the pressure to find "the one" and settle down?  I offer a fresh perspective on the age-old topic of dating exploring how we can set the bar for ourselves and find fulfillment in our own lives. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and learn how to prioritize your own happiness in your dating life.

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Holistic Ways to Reduce Stress & Anxiety - With the Science to Prove It!

Learn mindfulness techniques on how to reduce your stress and anxiety.

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5 Tips on How to Change Your Mindset

Ready to stop going through the motions of life? Here are 5 ways to change your mindset so you can start living with more joy, inner peace, and fulfillment.

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23 Meaningful Gratitude Quotes from Experts to Help Shift Your Perspective

Get inspired with meaningful gratitude quotes from spiritual teachers. Enjoy creative quote images to pin to Pinterest too.

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Bangkok, Thailand Travel Tips

Welcome to the updated travel & mindset newsletter. Chock full of travel tips, recommendations, mindset hacks, and of course, travel tales by yours truly. 

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Trust the Timing of Your Life

It's easy to get caught up in the worries of the future and the stress of our past. When you trust the timing of your life, you find that coveted inner peace in being rooted in the present. Here are some tips on how to find more peace in the present moment.

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Life in Bali Nomad Adventures -- September 2021

With all the productive virgo vibes in the air, September was a whirlwind.
It felt like the month that kept on giving with high highs and birthday celebrations...but also an epic fail. Read more about this jam packed month.

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All About August -- Travel Newsletter 2021

This month in Bali was quite the balance of work and play. With a trip to Balian Beach and buckling down working on my course, it was a month dedicated to being present.

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July 2021 Newsletter -- Change Your Mindset Change Your Life

With Indonesia going into a strict lockdown (PPKM) with rising cases of the new variant of covid, I settled into my new villa trying to make a new routine for myself. It ended up being the reset that I didn't know that I needed, and I am excited to share the projects I am working on! 

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The Jam Packed June Journey 2021

I finally made it off the mainland of Bali this past month to check out Indonesia's capital: Jakarta. Between exploring Java and settling down at Bali's Silent Retreat, this month has been jam packed with adventures. Follow along the ride! 

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The Eclectic Tales of A Traveling Nomad -- Reflection of May 2021

With a motorbike and a backpack, I hopped all around Bali this month exploring the northern jungle in Munduk, experiencing spiritual awakenings in Ubud and diving with the mantas in Nusa Penida. Follow along my travel adventure! 

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All You Need To Know About Pranic Healing -- What is it? And how does it work?

Pranic healing is the process of removing negative energy from a person's aura to cure any physical or emotional ailment. There is a specific procedure to follow that when done properly can produce miracles.

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Feliz Mayo -- Life in Bali Update

My monthly update from around the world! This month, I discuss a huge life update in Bali and my solo travel adventure. Come along on the journey! 

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How To Naturally Detox Your Body: Epsom Salt Liver Cleanse

A cheap, easy and quick way to detox your body and rid yourself of gallstones. Here is my experience with a natural detox doing an epsom salt liver cleanse. I take you through all of the steps that I do to naturally detox the body.

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March Musings 2021

Even though being away for over a year hit me this month, the nostalgia faded as a new sense of direction for my life and business took over. As it seems every month, so many exciting things happened. Let's dive into what happened this March in my monthly newsletter.

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What the Heck is Holistic Health? 5 Ways To Feel Better In Your Body Without Expensive Healthcare Bills

The term holistic health gets thrown around like candy nowadays…but what does it really mean? Is it daily face masks? A dip in a cold plunge pool? Cutting out carbs and indulging in that green detox juice cleanse?

I dive into the definition of holistic health and ways to incorporate it into your every day life.

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Traveling Yogi -- February Update

This February, I was helping at a yoga teacher training and escaped to a small island for a little getaway. Read more to hear more details and my profound realization of this month.

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Traveling Yogi January Update

This month has been a whirlwind between the rainstorms and working on my website. I managed to escape to Northern Bali for a little break and then headed back to continue to eat at some of my favorite cafes. Read more to hear more details on what profound realization I learned this month.

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5 Steps to Become Your Best Self

If you find yourself feeling stuck in a rut and wanting to find more contentment and inner peace, all of the answers are inside of you. Read these 5 steps to find out how to connect deeper to yourself to be the person you always wanted to be.

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“Maybe You Manifested It, Maybe It Was White Privilege.”

Maybe you manifested it, maybe it was white privilege. I saw this quote the other day, and this compiled with all of the #BlackLivesMatter protests has left me battling conflict in my head. This made me confront the fact that I am an able-bodied white woman who is financially able to be in Bali.

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Find Inner Peace: Striving For Humanness

What's the point of life? I am human, and I will never have everything all figured out. In fact, as a human, I am constantly learning and evolving even when I think I have my head wrapped around it all.

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This Piece of Advice Changed My Mindset on Building a Personal Brand

Are you trying to build a personal brand, yet somehow finding yourself stuck? This one piece of advice changed my mindset on building my personal brand.

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